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School History

Established in 1996, the International Bilingual School of Provence stands out for its profoundly international essence, born from embracing students of over 75 nationalities with a warm welcome.

Ecole IBS
Eleves IBS

An Independent International School Focused on French-English Bilingualism.

The school’s environment is the perfect opportunity for interaction between students of different backgrounds.

I.B.S is above all a place of culture and personal enrichment, essentially an educational establishment which draws its strength and character from its conviviality, its thorough academic approach and its broadmindedness. Through the years, I.B.S has managed to create an authentic family spirit, a harmonious school life, enriching, tolerant, respectful of beliefs and customs which its international uniqueness demands.

About 1000 boys and girls with approximately 300 in the primary school.

Approximately 600 students participate in the summer camps held each year.

Over 75 nationalities represented each year, with a majority of French, European Union nationals, and North Americans.


  • Headmaster / Founder: Jean-Marc GOBBI

  • Administrative Director / Co-Founder: Joël TROTEBAS

  • Co-Founder: Trevor Alan TRICKER


  • Private Independent School

  • Registration with the Rectorat of Aix-Marseille

  • Number 0133148B

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