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Integration Day for the DP1s

Article written by our CAS Council students

"On August 30th, returning IBS students and newcomers gathered for a fun, eventful day at the Bastide. Filled with emotions, DP1s and French Baccaleuréat students began at IBS greeting each other after a long summer. They attended an introduction on their upcoming years by their head teachers who spoke on the program and the difficulties they were going to endure for the proceeding 2 years. After a few pieces of advice and goodluck wishes, they were quickly ushered off down the street to the beautiful Bastide. 

For the next few hours they played fun games in groups according to their houses; Fio, Auro, Aigo and Terro. A picnic was provided for the students and the many teachers who took their time to organize this integration day. New comers interacted with the previous scholars over a delicious baguette sandwich and made new friends. 

Once lunch was over, the activities continued! Challenges were faced and tensions between houses rose, especially during tug of war. To finally finish off the day strong under the intense summer heat of the south of France, students participated in a race. Splitting into boys and girls, the groups raced down the hill and whilst some took a few tumbles, everyone survived! Everyone walked back to the IBS campus after a long day and began preparing for the first day of school!"


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