As of January 1st, IBS of Provence is officially affiliated to the Stichting NOB. The Foundation for Dutch Education Abroad (Stichting NOB) promotes and supports Dutch education in foreign countries. Stichting NOB looks after the interests of schools, pupils, teachers, and parents with a view to provide a link with the education system in The Netherlands.
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Voir toutIn this year's CAS council, the members include Adela, Adelaide, Anthony, Cecil, Étienne, Florian, Ruggero, Lily, Maxence, Apolline,...
The Writing Week took place from 2 to 9 October 2023. Pupils in the CM2 Pagnol class took part in the competition for the most beautiful...
The IBS of Provence Summer Camps offer an incredible opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a multicultural and multilingual...
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